If you need to speak to someone urgently call:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
or 000 for emergency services if the matter is life threatening
Helpful Websites
The Australian Psychology Society – The APS is the leading organisation for psychologists in Australia and provides a code of ethics that psychologists must abide by.
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency – The registration and licensing board for psychologists and other health professionals. If you wish to check the registration status of a health professional, or wish to make a complaint, AHPRA is the service to assist.
Beyond Blue – living with anxiety or depression or know someone who is? Check out the Beyond Blue information and resources. They cater for young, old, LGBTI, Aboriginal, and everyone in between.
Headspace – help for young people aged 12 to 25 with stress, mental health or drug and alcohol issues. Counselling is offered online, over the phone and through their centres.
Youth Focus – an independent Western Australian not-for-profit working to stop youth suicide. Youth Focus works with young people aged 12-25 to help them overcome issues associated with depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidal thoughts through the provision of free, unlimited and professional face-to-face individual counselling and other mental health services.
The Centre for Clinical Interventions – A state-wide program run by the Dept of Health, providing clinically applied psychosocial research, and clinical services for adults suffering from anxiety, mood and eating disorders. CCI offers self-help online programs as well as group and individual face-to-face therapy
Complex Trauma WA (COTWA) – A registered, not-for-profit incorporated association that has become a peak body for health professionals in Western Australia who work with adults, children, families, or groups of people who present with a lived experience of complex trauma. COTWA provides resources for complex trauma survivors and their families as well as offers training opportunities for health professionals.
Hey Sigmund – created by psychologist Dr Karen Young, Hey Sigmund is a website that contains the latest research and news in psychology, and is focused on parenting children and young people and helping them manage their emotional wellbeing.
Downloadable Resources
Seeing a psychologist under a GP referral
APS Charter-for-clients – your expectations and rights when seeing a Psychologist
Medicare and Better Access to Mental Health patients – further information about being referred to a psychologist by your GP
Other Helpful Phone Numbers
Mental Health Emergency Response Line
1300 555 788 (Metro) or 1800 676 822 (Peel) or 1800 552 002 (Country/Rurallink)
Child Protection and Family Support Crisis Care Helpline
08 9223 1111 or 1800 199 008 (Country Toll Free)