CoVID-19: How therapy is affected


To reduce the risk of transmission of the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoVid-19, Medicare and Private Health Funds have temporarily enabled individuals to engage in therapy via telehealth (video-audio link) and telephone (audio only). For the ease of discussion, we will refer to these consultations as ‘telehealth’ only. Medicare-items for telehealth are rebated at usual rates.  Private Health rebates vary depending on the insurance policy and company.

Telehealth consultations are booked as per a typical face-to-face consultation.  They may run for 30+ minutes or 50+mins.  Medicare-telehealth sessions count towards the rebated sessions available per calendar year, when referred on a mental health care plan. 

Face-to-face consultations are still available for healthy individuals. Our rooms are fitted with HEPA air purifiers.  At Fleming Psychology, we request all clients use hand-sanitiser upon clinic entry and exit, and do not attend unless they are 100% well. 

If you would like to book an appointment (telehealth or face-to-face) please use the links to contact us to discuss your options.