Group Program
Week 1
- Introduction to Group Processes
- Overview of the Program
- What is Distress? Why do we get Anxious?
Why are Emotions uncomfortable? - The BioPsychoSocial Model of Distress
Week 2
- Emotion-focused coping skills
- How to be mindful of your emotions without making them grow
- Mindfulness skills and Guided Imagery of Emotions
- Vent, Soothe, Distract: A different tool for different jobs
Week 3
- Cognitive Skills
- The ever helpful but unhelpful brain: Awareness of thoughts
- Evolutionary origins of Unhelpful Thoughts
- How to recognize an Automatic Negative Thought and how to generate Helpful Alternate Thoughts
Week 4
- Self-Esteem & Confidence
- Who are you really?
- Internal Sources (Values) vs External Sources (Opinions) of Information
- Expectations vs Reality
Week 5
- Putting it all together
- Review of Course Content
- Looking forwards not back
- Closure
Contact Us for group dates if you are interested in learning how to manage your emotions better